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Sunday, 4 October 2020

You are what you think you are!

How I ever come to know that I found what I am looking for, every beginning comes with an end but every end is a new beginning too,

Isn't it true!

Just as I come to a point I saw another point right in front of my eyes calling me to be there, 
How am I ever come to know if I am taking different paths or walking on the same path over and over again, 

How am I ever come to know if I am walking in a cycle or all the places I walked upon were alike but different, 

How I ever come to know if what I wished for is fulfilled or it took me, far from it, 

How do I ever know I am living every moment or dying moment by moment, 
How I ever know where am I going...

Where is my destiny?

Day by day, everyday I am moving closer to what? Destination or deathbed?
But what is death? 

And what is life?

Physical form?

But all matter is energy and all energy is matter, and interchangeable, and energy neither created nor destroyed,

A piece of bread eaten by a male becomes male, if eaten by a female becomes female and so on as an animal, bacteria, etc.... 
one identity merged in another form becomes what it merged in, or something new.
Isn't it?

So a physical form buried, becomes what it is eaten by..
Isn't it..

Some people say life is greater than just the physical form (matter) than what that greater form is?

And if it is a form? 
Isn't it also a matter and interchangeable?

So what is lost and who knows and how?
And how will I know,
how do I know I know or I don't know?

And if it is formless, who have seen it and how?

How someone or anyone for that matter can come to some or any conclusion...

Conclusion just an assumption...

Isn't everything is just assumption and perception based on it,

and if it is right why should I believe what others assume?

And if it is wrong why should I believe the conclusion based on others assumption?

Why apple is apple and rose is rose?
Why one is fruit and the other is a flower?
Why a lion is lion and dog is dog?
Why one is wild and another a pet?
And list goes on and on and on....
Who named them or tamed them?
Tried them or tied them?
With whatever form they are in,
Who have decided it, why and how?
How it all started...
Perception based on findings but no 
one was present from here when it all happened,
So how we know what we know?

Imagination, assumption?
Belief, repetition... 

How past is dead and future is alive?
When it is still unborn, if gone is dead how unborn is alive?
And what is now? 
When every moment is just pass by when is present, how to live it then? 
when every moment is past, 
where is now?
and then how to bring in the future?

Draw it from the past?
but how to borrow life from dead?
And if nothing is dead why we cry for all 
what is gone,
And if it is possible why not bring it in everything?
And if we can bring in anything, 
why is the craving, dissatisfaction, competition, hate, resentment?

Why not bring forth everything needed, 
why wait for anyone or anything...

And why should I worry, hurry or think what ever I know or I don't know? 
or who know what we don't know?

Let them assume what they do and let us assume what we are to be.
Or let it be as it is, as confusion...
Who cares....
"As every moment is just passing by, time was running out and running still..."

Thursday, 24 September 2020

I and God is one.

"Sadly enough We never realize till the end that the drama we played one 
insignificant part in, was our own script.-prashantlm"
You need not to believe the lie as all do that there is any other power then of God and goodness, that people or circumstances have any control over you , that any other person other than you is the reason of your happiness or sadness, don't look for people as excuse for what is happening in and around you, don't hold any person as a reason for not feeling Good, wholesome or less then greatness, when you marry the thought that there is only one power and you are one with it all the false assumption and flawed beliefs dissipate from your mind and your heart and mind is filled with eternal love and peace, the struggle to make things right, to prove self worth ,to overcome fears , the urge to fight the battles with your own gives way to a greater union and understanding of oneness with the universe and all its forces.
This opens the door of a greater awareness of who you are, The one Mighty force, well able and all powerful to create all its heart desires, all defeating beliefs of lack and limitations, Of timidity and dependency drowns in the vast sea of goodwill and peace which rules your heart.
Your true nature and true purpose of life starts unfolding with the every step of its mode of execution, you tap into the infinite wisdom of ages without trying too hard, you enjoy the process itself as a part of the manifestation, the longing and wishing, the need and craving get replaced by a deeper sense of fulfilment,
The stress gives way to calmness,
Serendipity becomes a part of life, Actions becomes enthusiasm, Efforts turns into fruition, Desires turns into manifestation, 
Once you stop believing the lie of evil forces to have any power or having dominion over your life and accept the everlasting only truth that there is none more powerful then God, Life starts flowing to its fullest. The fears of loss and defeat got replaced by the faith of eternal love and safety as his beloved child, accepting yourself in union with your creator libraries you from all bondage, dogmas, despair and discomfort and takes you in eternal safety and love.

All that you hold,
The grudges,
Anger, Regret, 
Lack, limitations,
Keeping all above,
Above all..
In his foolishness,
Men serves...
So many God's,
False God's,
Letting them to rule,
The mind, body, 
heart and nerves.
Feeling pity,
Powerless, timid, tamed,
Never for once,
He realizes,
There is only one GOD,
True, loving, caring,
Omnipresent, omnipotent,,
Behold! there is only one God,
And beside him, there is none,
No other have any power,
None so ever,
Don't look here and there,
Open your eyes,
Don't think twice,
He is in You,
HE is You,
So within, so without,
So above so below,
HE and You are One.
There is Only One GOD!
And beside him there is none.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Evolve !

We may please ourselves by assuming that we are a superior creature in  this world, ( I didn't used word think ) as reapetation of thoughts over and over again is not thinking. 
By some acts as able to walk, talk, eating by choices and doing sex for pleasure and not just for reproduction does makes us any better than all other creatures present on earth; we may also consider that we have evolved far greater as human race than other animals,
But the question is if this is true or we just fancy this thought ( as no one is here to stop us from keep moving with this thought ) 
So how and why we say that we have evolved, is their any conectarte evidence to prove this to be true.
All the things mentioned above which we assume makes us different can be taught to some animals if not all and may be a little less, but does this makes much difference as animal can do some thing's which we human can't do to make it even and infact animals posses some qualities to such degree which is impossible for us to even imagine, simultaneously if we look closely some animal are so good at copying humans and some humans are a perfect example of animals.
The two biggest reason we give to prove that we have evolved are

1. We are thinking being.

2. We have deeper sense of emotions.

So here are two factors to consider,;

1. Most of us and i mean almost 90 to 99% people keep repeating same thoughts which are there from ages, with or without reasoning (and this reflects everywhere we look )
We can't consider that only we posses the quality to think various researches have proved time and again that animals plan their activities as we do , mass migration, hunting in groups, selection of mates and so on are some examples.

2. Many species in animal world posses the same qualities of having and expressing deeper emotions, dogs ,horses, dolphins ,chimps are to name a few which we know most about, yet not much work is done related to many other species regarding this fact.

So now the question is still remain the same why and how we are evolved beings.... 

If we consider our material progress to be the deciding factor for this, it would be just a vague  effort to fool ourselves as we do in many things, firstly all the inventions and or their execution is done by only a very few people which may not account to more than 1% of the population and other 99% have just learned how to use it either by copying or practice.
The deeper sense of evolution only be realized when we start living life with our conscious choices, by connecting our life with its true purpose, to make it grander and pleasures not only physically but mentally and spiritually, to take conscious efforts of our thoughts and actions,  not to just follow, not to live in reactionary state but coming in union with the nature and higher dimension of life. To evolve is to grow in our though process and developing a deeper sense of understanding towards all the things of creation. To stay focused and always be in tune with the infinite power which is ever and omnipresent not only in the entire universe but also I within us.
To acknowledge and accept the vastness of creation and our integral role in it, to work towards growth not for self ,but for all, not thinking in mode of superiority but developing a deeper vision, developing a larger perspective towards universe and all its forces.
Not only just in thinking but application as well, that we are a marvelous creation and always act upon if as a fact in all what we do.

Kingdom Of God!

From ages men has suffered a lot, majority of population from centuries have lived a life under par, people have just survived instead of thriving, majority of people have lived a n un privileged life with every passing moment as a struggle, where a few people enjoy ll the fruits of live most struggle to fulfil their ends meat, people are deprived of basic amenities, leave alone the luxurious life which we all are born to live,
we often tend to believe the reasons of our troubles lies on some circumstances or people who we believe to be the cause of it, when any thing un desirable happens either we look everywhere, we knock every door to come to our aid, we try as hard as we can to  find the solution, and when nothing seems to work as a last resort we pray to the God who we believe live somewhere out in the space, and who is testing us for some past karma, or else we surender to the external forces considering ourselves as a tiny creature who is powerless to handle the situation, we pray ,we beg for things to be right again.
But often this all goes in vain, and you might have seen or met many people in your life who are a living proof of 5his , many people pray and pray , try harder and harder but nothing seems to be changing, and you might wonder why is it so, this often leads people to believe that there is nothing like God or if He does exist He do things as He wishes, you may have heard of phrases like "if it meant to happen it will" " As God pleases"
And these are only two examples, there are thousands and thousands of such phrases rules mens mind, throughout history generations of people have came and gone by these flawed believes, living a live of compromise and sacrifices, people have lived all their life as a withered leaf on the mercy of wind, it is hard for people to believe that they themselves posses power within, from ages people were forced to believe that power is something which can be possessed by only a few and many institution played a major role in it, due to their own interest or by their own ignorance, vast majority of people live their lives as slaves to people, condition, circumstances or above all God, they never realize their power , potential, or capabilities.
People were brainwashed in the interest of some to believe that they are week, good for nothing creatures who born out of human lust so they has to suffer and face the troubles in this life, and not only this but past life's as well, entire generations were ruled and fooled by this myth that we have to face the consequences of something we had done.
They were force to believe that they have to beg from some external force or need to seek help from those who posses some special powers to relieve them from sins, miseries and all troubles, all over the world this game is played from centuries and will be continued for no one knows how long.

On the name of arrangement of stars or the moon and sun, the past karmas, mis interpretation of texts and list goes on and on and people keep believing all this without any sort of reason, people believe in all kind of symbols which they were make believe to posses power never for once to realize the reason for what all which is happening with or around them, we never take time to understand or to seek the true reason behind all this, and thus many efforts to bring peace, to make comfortable living condition for masses, the efforts to bring equality either gone in vain or brought no considerable results.

But neither the reason behind all the sufferings of the world nor the solution to it is very complicated infact it is so simple that our logical mind rejects it immediately due to its flawed programming of lack and limitations.

When a men come in union with the thought that he is not a mere puppet in the hands of any judgemental force but he is one with an all loving and merciful force which is omnipresent, who loves all unbiased of race, religion , cast ,creed  age or anything, who is not judgmental but forgiving and all He wishes all his children to prosper, to enjoy the abundance of universe, he not only make things smooth for self but for all bis fellow members.
As a men start to seek within instead of without,  he start realizing his own infinite power, develops the understanding that he himself is the cause and effect and thus manages his thoughts and actions coherently in accordance to the law of nature.

When he meditate upon the omnipresent and ever present power within, when he understands I and God are one

As in the Bible the text reads: 

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these. things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

But it also says!

No one will say, 'Look, here it is!' or, 'There it is!'; because the Kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:21

So isn't it just to look within for the Almighty force instead of looking it in someone or something else, because Unless we ourselves pause and believe in the presence of God or infinite power within, we will always stay dependent on others being it someone who lives somewhere in the sky or someone who live next door.  

Sunday, 20 September 2020

The power in you is you!

Have you ever wonder how some people are so much so successful while most are living just a life of mediocrity. some people are so happy even with the adversaries while most are living in disdain? Why so? Does we are created differently? Does we experience different life situations? If what we are facing is happening for the first time and this experience never happened before... guess not... so what's the difference in outcome when more or less the problems or situations are altogether same... How some people change their life when something less desirable happens and other allow it to worsen the  life. How some people get healed from chronic illnesses while some die of very small disease, what is the difference? Is there anything to do with our Fate, but if there is anything called fate at all? 

Is it because??

People have came to conclusion that they are powerless puppets in the hand of something they know nothing about, every effort to bring them to realization that they are not so,  seems illogical to them , but what they don't know this so called logic is nothing else but their own ego, which makes them believe and keeps in this delusional enigma that they have no control over all which is happening but some outside force, which resides somewhere out their and do things as HE pleases, who is judgemental and only give certain things to certain people, As HE has some special chosen ones with whom he is pleased with their past karma or by his own will. Any effort to bring them to the  awareness of the oneness doesn't excites them, they remain ignorant and indifferent.
They will blame, complain, condemn about everything, they console one another for their  own powerlessness, they seek shelter in the room of excuses, they use sympathy, as a tool to sharpen their believe in lack, limitation, they will keep carrying the baggage of past on their shoulders as their experiences and keep distributing these flawed and failed concepts to each and everyone they come across and gathering all they can gather from others to keep their baggage full, to keep it heavy with all they possibly can to stay in conviction of their disbelief and disability as a co creator.
Yes on the outer state they say they beleieve, they wish, they think that things going to get better, they claim that they will do it, but these words doesn't have any sort of authority because they are not fueled with faith in self power, not in the sense of boasting but in the true sense of authority as an integral part of this wonderful creation, they either surrender to the outcome of fate or wish to do things forcefully with their so called will power not knowing that both of these approaches will fail for sure as it did from centuries.
Men from ages had wished and prayed to get things better but all gone in vain, look around  and you'll find ample proof of all what he is doing in form of misery, pain and misfortune, the power seems to be in a hands of few with all others seems to be living under their mercy, billions of men and women had wished , prayed and sacrificed so much to avail no results yet some gather the fruits and all the joys of life as much as they can without much efforts, they were considered as lucky in the eyes of rest who wish to have successes if not all but a tiny fraction of that.People look at them to share their fortune with others, they feel jealous with the achievements of these few, believing that these people acquire some special power, gifts or talents which they wish they have had.
But, if it is the real cause of the fortune of some and misery of majority or the reason is something else, didn't we see some people rise from obsecurity, defying all odds and rise from rags to riches, so what is the cause for them to succeed when majority fails...
The reason lies in only one thing and this is so powerful that it can bring liberation to one self yet it is so simple that people won't believe, as a part of their conditioning they believe things to be complicated to be of any value forgetting that the mightiest forces of nature are resonibly simple, the water for example, now come back to the point again what is that which liberate a human soul from bondage of lack , limitations and self pity , to give him the power to rise, to avail the fruits of life to live a nobler, grandeur life, enjoying every moment of his physical appearance!
Many have not come this far to read as they found it illogical to look for the reasons as they already have convinced that it is all done by some force which live somewhere else as per his wish... but if you are still here, here is the truth and as it is said in the scriptures, "know the truth, as only truth will set you free" so the truth is... the undermining cause of all goodness or evil, success or failure, riches or misery, pleasure or pain is simply this... that you are part of it all, the part of this giant wheel of universe, wittingly or unwittingly everything that had happened or happening in your life or around you is because of you, you are the cause and effect simultaneously, what you're reaping is sowed by you, maybe you won't recognize your harvest now as human memory is not very long lived, it is you who have brought all this to fruition whether you like it or not.
The seed of your belief in your powerlessness is what makes you live a life full of sacrifices, adjustments, sorrow, misery and misfortune and you still watering it with your thoughts and words everyday, and unless you stop doing this nothing will change, no matter how much you wish or pray, you may walk the entire earth knock and beg at every door of any force outside of you but it will always go in vain as it always did in the past. Until you take responsibility and develop a firm conviction that you are a co creator of all this is... without your faith in your infinite power within.. without your acceptance of the existence of spirit inside of you, without your faith that " I AM" the way and the light, I and my FATHER is one. "I AM" all Wise, all Powerful and all Conquering, nothing can, every thing will keep happening the way it did.
Unlesss you develop the faith in self and accept that all that you need is within you, HE walks besides and within you, you stop seeking it in external sources, you stop begging or blaming and complaining, you realize it is not a few but all who posses the same power and you are one of them, you are not at mercy of anything or any one, you are one with all and all is one with you and everything which exist is for all to make use of ,you only have to claim your fair share from it, not forcefully or ill means, you don't have to beg, to steal or to compete, this universe is full of bounty and their is plenty of everything for all, and you just have to claim what you find yourself one with, irrespective of any judgement or prejudice, 
Look within to see the vastness of infinite creation and you are it's only operant power...
because  "I AM" the GOD and their is no one besides me. 
You are all that was, that is and ever will be.
#prashantlm  #life  #thoughts  #inspiration

If not forgotten never forgiven

You are frustrated with yourself,,, you want to change your behaviour, you're fad up with yourself to be one bad guy you wish to be kind, the one who is loving and loved, but you feel unable to control your anger, hate or resentment, you return back to your old attitude often as soon as you encounter any unpleasant situation and then you feel guilty, ashamed or frustrated of self, 
you feel you must be more kind and forgiving... you come to the understanding by the teachings you discovered that you should treat others well and forgive... You try hard and harder but more you try more displeased and confused you feel,
But wait you wish to forgive but who and for what? To be kind to others, but others who?
Last night you had a dream you were assaulted by some unidentified man, you were beaten, hurt, afraid and angry at the same time...and then you wake up! What will you do now, with whom you'll get angry now?? and if you want to forgive whom you'll forgive? And for what? You know what you have experienced was not real and you'll forget it may be not instantly but surely after some time. You forget it, so how you know what happened during your so called waking state is real? Ok, take one more example, you were walking and you hit a stone on the road, you feel hurt on your leg, now what? Do you'll get mad with your eyes for not seeing it, your foot to collide with it or with yourself for not paying attention, probably you'll get angry with the authorities or the person or persons who put it there, then Isn't it you assumption by your gathered data of past experiences which become a reference point for you to come to conclusion to feel hurt or any other emoticon you relate to that particular experience, but wait just for a moment and think as the moment passed you moved from that particular state to a different point and so does the one, who was involved in that instance and when both of you are not now a part of any experience in present moment, who is getting hurt and who is hurting? and unless you recall that moment again, where does it find its existence, if you wish to forgive the other, how will you forgive, can you travel back to that moment in time and change its appearance? can you ever be able to travel back to the past and change anything or everything which didn't happened the way you wish it to happen all what you feel others did to you... And who that you was... Do you're that five year old who's pencil was forcefully taken by a classmate, the 15 years old who was bullied over her looks, the 20 years old who was cheated by the one he thinks is deeply in love with her, the 35 years old who with all his qualifications and capabilities still not been able to do well in physical world...Then who is this which become more arrogant, mad, critic or sensible, poised and balanced, more understanding and responsible, who is true you? The "I AM" that dwells in you or the physical appreciance you think you are and if the physical one is you which is arogant then who is that who wish to change? and if the "I AM" is you, how you'll get hurt by anything and how anything can happen to you,
when nothing is happened to you, with you and no one did it and I literally mean it then who did it and who will you forgive.
When you met with any experience who is experiencing and who is judging it, if both of them are one or two different identities are experiencing the same from a different point of view or one identity is watching it from two different angles, but who will tell which view is right. Don't you think whatever happened, happened and more you keep remembering it, feeling of anger resentment or may be feeling of forgiveness will appear but where these feelings are originating, isn't a part of your mind is generating all this and controlling you, enslaving you to be in a state of dependency, to act and feel in a certain way, to be in a reactionary mode, to make you powerless .and as you take back control and stop giving it attention, slowly it start loosing it's grip and lastly dissipate, once you forget, you know you don't need anything to feel nothing about it and when there is nothing there is no one  to feel angry, resentful or frustrated with or even to forgive, it is only your memory which is playing games once you understand this what left is only eternal love for self and all. 

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

You! The master.

Nothing is outside you, you reflect back what you have making yourself in, but it is not fixed as you think it is, at any moment you can realize it, adopt it and reciprocate it, you can change your beliefs and your perception thus your attitude which in turn will change everything you experience.
"As above so below, as within so without"

You don't have to fight, don't have to use your might; you just have to let your heart dwell in the feelings of well being for self and all the fellow men;
"Do unto others as you wish done unto you"

When you come into the understanding that one source is the  creator of all, and every person and situation you meet, is just realization of what you're continually attending in your mind, and any un desirable person or circumstances which displeases you is just because your ego is in charge of your attention of mind at that moment ( and your source is at a different vibration from it ) the moment you think what you don't want is the exact same moment when you also know what you really want, and that still voice is often neglected by your logical mind, because of your feedback loop based on your logic and mis understanding, which prefer knowledge over state of being, as you start putting your attention to things which are just life become more peaceful,
"Life is simple until we make it complicated"

But this doesn't mean you have to give away the power of self (it doesn't mean to be rude but to understand what is right)
Or to be isolated from the world or give away the desires or wishes, it doesn't mean to live a unfulfilled live with no earthly pleasures which life has to offer, infact it is quite opposite, life is to be lived fully physically, mentally and spritualy, you need to be prosperous, abundant and joyful, by becoming all that you can, you must develop a vision for life to be more than what your present, you must act as an extension of source (which you are right from the day you were born) you are infinite being, you just have to tap into the source within.
"Where there is no vision people perish"

Life is not a battle, or suffering or a game, it is an continues everlasting flow more you try to swim against the current more difficulty you'll face, Don't try to fight because you can never win a battle against your own self, understand that it is you who have to be aligned and not anything else, you have to consciously move toward, upward and Godward, be righteous not only in your words but in deeds, be aware of what you put your focus on, don't listen to any voice which speaks to you about your powerlessness, you are created in the image of most high God, which is not anywhere else but within you, and who always and will forever thinks and works for your good, He is not to punish you for anything you'd done but to forgive you for past mistakes, He is within to guide you, lead you and cherish you. You and HE is forever one, Imagine all the good for yourself and all other and reflect it to the world and the same will come back to you.

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