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Saturday, 15 July 2017

3 Steps to Happy Living.

Often, life can seem very overwhelming. When you are constantly being faced with one challenging situation after another, it can begin to feel exhaustive to continue trying. The feelings of hopelessness can be devastating. They can make you do things you wouldn't normally do and think things you wouldn't normally think. Hopelessness begins to exhaust our heart and steal our joy. Questions of being happy go outside of our life and replaces the thought of survival.
Is it really possible to stay lively and joyous after taking the beating of life? And if it is possible the big question is how?

But before going to find the answer how?

We first need to answer the basic question, what really Happiness is.

In philosophy, Happiness refers to good life, or flourishing, rather than simply an emotion. 
According to science Happiness is a mental or enthusiastic condition of prosperity portrayed by positive or wonderful feelings extending from satisfaction to exceptional euphoria, An assortment of organic, mental, religious, and philosophical methodologies have endeavored to characterize joy and recognize its sources. Different research gatherings, including positive brain research, attempt to apply the logical technique to answer inquiries regarding what "Happiness" is, and how it may be achiev, in general human life is all about finding happiness ,we all do what we do to find happiness in all our life. It is what we do everything in life to attain.
For Some people having a handful of money is happiness for others it might be reverse, for some helping others is the real joy of life but for some it is not the case.
We try so many things in so many ways in life to be really happy, still majority of population lives their life without a pinch of it, so the question remains unanswered what makes us happy and is therefore really any guideline for what makes us happy?

This question is puzzling the majority of the population from ages.
Surprisingly the answer to this age old question is not as complicated as it seems, in fact the question itself holds the answer.

So now you are curious, aren’t you? Is it really as simple to be happy as I am telling you?

Yes it is so simple to be happy if you only can ask this question from yourself not from the people around you and answer it from your heart that what it is that makes you Happy. Happiness depends on our basic demands of our life, you need to dig down deep into your heart to find the right answer and then act accordingly to live a life filled with true Happiness.

Happiness is at the core of all our activities. Our prime motive in life is to be happy whatever we do we do it to be happy.

There are thousands and thousands of ideas and tools are available to guide you to attain the Primary motive of life “BEING HAPPY” but before you consider any of the idea to work for you, you must consider the fact that happiness is a choice rather than a goal.

Once you understand this basic fact than you can begin journey towards a happier life.

Here are some points for you to practice on day to day basis for a happier and healthier nobler life.

In my opinion there are three fundamental basics for living the life full of happiness. And if you involve them in your daily routine surely you will lead a happy life.


The most important factor in attaining a life full of "Happiness"is gratitude.
A lot has been written on the power of gratitude or gratefulness; of  being thankful for the blessings you have in your life instead of focusing on the things or situation which makes you uncomfortable. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return is an acknowledgement of all the good things we already have in our life.

“A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness. It is an expression of humility. It is a foundation for the development of such virtues as prayer, faith, courage, contentment, happiness, love, and well-being.” James E. Faust

If  you Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you and to give thanks continuously because all things have contributed to your advancement soon you find your life becoming  less stressed and more joyous.

Make it a habit of saying thank you to each and everyone for smallest of acts. Expressing your thanks can really improve your overall sense of well-being studies show that grateful people are more agreeable, more open, and having less chances of  getting anxious or not only makes your present condition improved but also fills your mind and heart with hope and faith for future.

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”― Epicurus


In my opinion, this is one major  attribute to make oneself Happy, a productive mind is a source of happiness. As it doesn't dwells into negativity. Productivity growth is a crucial source of development in existing standards.

Submit yourself to bettering yourself, take after your enthusiasm, create hard working attitudes. center and work towards a more amazing, nobler. more joyful life.Be gainful don't dawdle, don't wait on uncertainties and buts. try not to tons of what can turn out badly. Rather, concentrate on being more gainful, more eager, more energetic.

"Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” 
Steve Jobs

 Find ways and means to increase your productivity, set goals (both long term and short term)set daily routines, surround yourself with positive and productive people, take forward steps towards your advancement, no matter how small it may be.
Don't allow anyone to distract yourself from your purpose.


Another main consideration in carrying on with an appreciated life is accountability,to held ourselves liable for the happenings of live,of our deeds and our activities.
Being accountable is taking responsibility about how enthusiastic you are about your living. It's taking possession for living with purpose and values and building trust no matter what. When you lack accountability, you suffer. You feel disempowered, victimized and resentful. But if you keep yourself accountable for your life, how much you get done. You set yourself free of approval from others.

"Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else." Les Brown

An absence of individual responsibility is at the core of unending anxiety. It saps us of efficiency. It consumes our time. It makes us less happy with our employments, our relations, and ourselves.

“If I could give one tip for people - it's not an exercise or nutrition regimen. It's to walk your talk and believe in yourself, because at the end of the day, the dumbbell and diet don't get you in shape. It's your accountability to your word.” Brett Hoebel

Once you accept total responsibility for everything that happens to you in life, you will soon discover that this also enables you to find solutions to life’s difficulties far more quickly, In accepting responsibility, you are accepting a willingness to develop your character and in doing that, the stronger your character will become and your life will be improved as a consequence. You will feel less stressed Increased productive, better time management, improved relationships and overall well being.

If you think someone or something other than yourself is responsible for your happiness or success, I'd guess you're not that happy or successful.


 It is you and only you who has to make a choice and live by it.

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